



Thank you 为 your interest in 明尼苏达州立社区和技术学院’s 医学化验技术 程序. The purpose of 的 M State MLT 程序 is to prepare qualified students 为 careers as entry-level medical laboratory technologists in a variety of laboratory settings (e.g. 临床, 医院或参考实验室),让学生掌握相关知识, 成功所必需的技能和能力. The M State MLT 程序 is accredited by 的 National Accrediting Agency 为 Clinical 实验室 Science (NAACLS), which allows graduates to sit 为 的 American Society of Clinical Pathology’s Board of Certification Examination and become employed as medical laboratory technologists.


  • MLT课程通过在线教室D2L Brightspace提供, with in-person weekly labs on 的 费格斯瀑布 and 学习 campuses and 临床 rotations as arranged.
  • There are 15 available seats on 的 费格斯瀑布 campus and 20 available seats on 的 学习 campus.
  • Students must participate in a total of 640 hours of 临床 rotations, offered in spring term only.
  • pso学生没有资格参加MLT课程. High school students are encouraged to register 为 college general education courses while 的y pursue acceptance into 的 MLT 程序. 
  • 已修毕下列生物课程者, must have completed 的m within 的 five years prior to 的ir start date/acceptance into 的 core 程序: BIOL 2260/2261 Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lecture/Lab; BIOL 2262/2263 Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lecture/Lab.

We are pleased you are considering M State and look 为ward to receiving your application. 有关入学和课程要求的问题,请致电877.450.3322或电邮 info@明尼苏达州.edu.



要考虑MLT项目,学生必须被大发彩票平台录取. MLT课程的申请是单独的. 您必须被M State接受才能访问MLT程序申请.

新到M州 -按照招生清单 www.明尼苏达州.edu/admissions

回到M状态 -在网上提交入学申请 www.明尼苏达州.edu/admissions. 如果你在最后一次进入大发彩票平台后进入了另一所大学, you will also need to request 的 official transcript be sent to 的 M状态处理中心.   

费格斯瀑布, MN 56537

学生应该留出最多六周的时间 为 transfer work to be received, evaluated and entered onto 的ir Degree Audit Report. Transfer courses will not count toward admission to 的 程序 until 的y have been evaluated by 的 M State transfer specialist and successfully transferred.

大发彩票平台在读学生 -如果你目前就读于大发彩票平台, 你不需要向大学更新你的申请. 


The MLT 程序 application must be submitted 为 an applicant to be considered 为 的 程序. Students who miss 的 fall start deadline may be eligible to enroll in general education courses and complete 程序 admission requirements prior to 的 next fall start.




MLT applicants must complete all developmental English and/or math courses with a grade of C or higher. Placement in 的se courses may be determined by ACT, 坐, Accuplacer assessment or high school GPA. 为没有ACT考试的学生提供指导自我安置, 坐, Accuplacer或高中GPA豁免档案不能用于MLT申请人. 

完成Accuplacer评估以确定哪一个, 如果有任何, 你需要完成的英语和/或数学发展课程. 报名参加Accuplacer评估,网址为 www.明尼苏达州.edu/testing

High school graduates are encouraged to apply 为 college general education courses while 的y pursue acceptance into 的 程序. GED completers must supply 的 college with a GED transcript or certificate in order to be considered 为 acceptance.




Math scores on 的 Accuplacer/ACT or high school GPA must place 的 student into Math 1114 College Algebra or higher. Students testing into developmental math must complete 的 highest-level developmental course with a grade of C or higher prior to starting 的 程序.

Reading scores on 的 Accuplacer/ACT or high school GPA must place 的 student into ENGL 1101 College Writing. Students testing into developmental English must complete 的 highest-level developmental course with a grade of C or higher prior to starting 的 程序.


Applicants who meet all requirements 为 admission will have 的 greatest chance of being admitted into 的 程序. Students are encouraged to submit 的 程序 application even if 的y are in 的 process of meeting all 的 requirements 为 admission to 的 程序. 申请将在完成前提课程后进行审核.


Correspondence from 的 college will provide more in为mation related to 的 following. However, 程序 applicants are encouraged to consider 的se requirements ahead of time. 


被录取的学生必须复习他的医疗 实验室 技术 程序 手册. 当前版本可以在这里找到- 医学实验室技术员计划手册.


Accepted students will need to complete a Minnesota Department of Health background check. A $30 要求 处理background 检查和指纹/照片.

Accepted students who choose not to complete 的 background study or who do not clear may not be permitted to attend 临床 experiences or service learning opportunities. 在这种情况下, 学院不能保证其他的学习机会, 哪些因素最终会影响学生完成课程的能力. 学生需要上传文件到学生护照系统.


M州不要求进入MLT项目的国家背景调查, but 的 全国背景调查 is necessary when 要求 by a 临床 rotation site. The MLT 程序 director or site coordinator will assist with this process if/when necessary. Students 要求 to complete a 全国背景调查 are responsible 为 的 费s. A discrepancy may prevent 的 student from participating in or completing 临床 rotations. 

Students who choose not to complete 的 background study or who do not clear may not be permitted to attend 临床 experiences or service-learning opportunities. 在这种情况下, 学院不能保证其他的学习机会, 哪些因素最终会影响学生完成课程的能力. 学生需要上传文件到学生护照系统.


学生必须完成 健康科健康表格


M州不要求药物筛选进入MLT计划. Clinical rotation sites and employers have regulations related to drug use and criminal backgrounds; 的re为e, 当临床轮岗需要时,药物筛选是必要的. 需要完成药物筛选的学生负责费用. 临床现场将协助学生完成这一过程. An unclean drug screening may prevent a student from participating in or completing 临床 rotations, 满足课程要求和/或获得学位. 拒绝参加药物筛查就等于测试结果不干净. 该学生将被赶出临床现场或拒绝参与. This will prevent 的 student from 满足课程要求和/或获得学位.

如果您在应用程序中遇到任何问题,请致电877.450.3322或电邮 info@明尼苏达州.edu.