



Thank you for your interest in 明尼苏达州立社区和技术学院’s 放射技术 program. This program is designed to prepare qualified students for entry-level positions as certified radiologic technologists.

接受进入放射技术计划是有竞争力的. 入学是基于以下列出的选择标准. 符合标准并不能保证被录取. 不符合标准的学生将不被考虑参加该计划. 请仔细查看此信息. 

  • 完整的 一份申请并被大发彩票平台录取.
  • 完整的 在线申请放射学技术课程.
  • 完整的 the Accuplacer assessment and be eligible to enroll in COMM 1140 (Interpersonal Communication) and MATH 1114 (College Algebra). 如果Accuplacer的评估表明需要发展课程, 该课程必须在你开始所需的通识教育课程之前完成.
  • 赚 所有放射技术课程达到C或以上.
  • 下列生物课程有五年的修课要求, 这意味着它们必须是在课程开始日期的五年内拍摄的. 对于2024年秋季入学,课程需要在2019年秋季或更晚才有效.
    • BIOL 2260人体解剖学 & 生理学1讲座
    • BIOL 2262人体解剖学 & 生理学II讲座

我们很高兴您正在考虑大发彩票平台,并期待收到您的申请. We strongly encourage you to discuss the admission and program requirements with an academic advisor on the campus you plan to attend. 如需咨询顾问,请拨打877.450.3322或电邮 info@jingshuoshuo.com.




To be considered for the 放射技术 program, you 必须 apply to and be accepted to M State. 放射学技术课程的申请是单独的. 你必须被大发彩票平台录取才能进入放射技术项目申请.

新到M州 -按照招生清单 招生

回到M状态 -在网上提交入学申请 招生. 如果你在最后一次进入大发彩票平台后进入了另一所大学, you will also need to request that your official transcript be sent to the M状态处理中心.   

费格斯瀑布, MN 56537

学生应该留出最多六周的时间 用于接收的转移工作, 评估并进入学位审计报告系统(DARS)审计. Transfer courses will not count toward admission to the program until they have been evaluated by the M State transfer specialist and successfully transferred.

大发彩票平台在读学生 -如果你目前就读于大发彩票平台, 你不需要向大学更新你的申请. 


的 放射技术 program application 必须 be submitted for an applicant to be considered for the program. 申请前必须阅读和理解资格标准. 你必须被大发彩票平台录取才能进入项目申请.


If you have earned college credits for any of the required 放射技术 general education courses, 你的平均成绩必须在2分以上.在每门课程中都要达到0分,才能被考虑录取.

数学要求: Math scores on the Accuplacer/ACT or high school GPA 必须 place the student into MATH 1114 College Algebra or higher. Students testing into developmental math 必须 complete the highest-level developmental course with a grade of C or higher prior to starting the program.

英语要求: Reading scores on the Accuplacer/ACT or high school GPA 必须 place the student into ENGL 1101 College Writing. Students testing into developmental English 必须 complete the highest-level developmental course with a grade of C or higher prior to starting the program. 

放置测试: Students who have not completed COMM 1140 Interpersonal Communication and Math 1114 College Algebra and who do not have recent Accuplacer, 完成分班测试需要ACT成绩或高中GPA豁免. 需要完成分班测试的学生请访问 位置测试 查看测试日期和地点.


An applicant's grades in prerequisite general education courses are used to calculate GPA for program acceptance. GPA最高的申请者将被录取. 以下课程用于确定先决GPA:

  • 人体解剖学与生理学[j]
  • 数学1114大学代数*
  • 物理学基本概念*
  • RADT 1102放射技术基本概念*
  • 人体解剖学与生理学2
  • COMM 1140人际沟通或目标领域1已完成

*标有星号的课程 必须 在申请审查之前完成.

BIOL 2260 and BIOL 2262 必须 have been completed within five years prior to the program start date. 对于2024年秋季开始的课程,必须是2019年秋季或之后的课程.


Students will be accepted into the program based on the completion of 放射技术 program prerequisite general education courses. A successfully completed course is one that is completed before the application deadline and has a grade of C or better.

A student’s grades in prerequisite general education courses are used to calculate GPA for program acceptance. GPA最高的申请者将被录取. 以下课程用于确定先决GPA:

  • 人体解剖学和生理学I *
  • MATH1114大学代数*
  • 物理基本概念*
  • RADT1102放射学基本概念*
  • 人体解剖学和生理学2
  • COMM1140人际沟通或目标领域1完成



查看 2024年秋季放射技术项目应用评估


Each student who has submitted a complete admissions file by the posted deadline will receive an email from the college indicating whether they are accepted into the program, 在计划等待名单上或目前没有资格参加该计划. 请务必在您的课程申请中提供您当前的电子邮件地址. 



请注意:所有费用都是近似值,可能因校园而异. 学生需自费购买制服、实验服和名牌.  

放射技术专业- 79学分
通识教育课程$180.每学分80美元+校园费用$2,892 +费用(16学分) 
在线课程每学分199美元+费用$3,184 +费用(16学分)
课程用品(包括制服), 心肺复苏, 模块化和退出考试, ASRT会员, 州和联邦背景调查和指纹识别)$800

Total estimate of costs                                                                                                          $ 20,197            



来自学院的信件将提供与以下相关的更多信息. 然而, 放射技术 program applicants are encouraged to consider these requirements ahead of time. 

学生需要有一台笔记本电脑进行放射技术课程. 笔记本电脑的费用是在学费、杂费和书本费之外的. 所需的计算机规格可在 电脑的需求
的 clinical facilities used by the 放射技术 program require students to have a current American Heart Association/Health Care Providers 心肺复苏 certificate. Proof of 心肺复苏 certificate 必须 be presented prior to the start of the 放射技术 clinical courses.

A background check is a mandatory review of an individual’s criminal history as recorded by the state of Minnesota and/or the federal government. Students in M State's healthcare programs 必须 pass background check(s) before being assigned to clinical sites where they will have contact with patients.

的 American Registry of Radiologic Technologists also requires an ethics review and background check before an individual can take the ASRT registry exam to be certified as a radiologic technologist. 确保学生满足这些要求, a background check 必须 be performed prior to starting M State’s 放射技术 core classes.

M State advisors are available to assist in finding alternative education options for students who do not pass the required 放射技术 background checks and cannot provide direct patient care.

Instructions for completing background checks will be provided via official M State email from Joel Hoffman, 护理实验室助理.

Accepted students are required to complete a health form before they are eligible to start core 放射技术 courses.
放射技术程序手册 为学生提供有关课程政策和标准的信息. Accepted students are required to review the handbook and agree to abide by the policies and standards.

临床轮转通常安排在上午8:30.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday. Students will be required to complete occasional evening and weekend assignments throughout the program.

临床教育设置的列表可以在 放射技术 参考资料部分下的program页面.

Students are required to travel to any clinical education setting associated with the program.

如果您在应用程序中遇到任何问题,请致电877.450.3322或电邮 info@jingshuoshuo.com.

Please be aware that M State’s 放射技术 admission requirements are subject to change in order to assure the quality of the program.