


The purpose of this policy is to establish consistent practices for accepting credit for college-level courses transferred into the College.


明尼苏达州立社区和技术学院 accepts credit for undergraduate college-level courses.

进入学院后, 对院级课程进行评价, 在正式的大学成绩单上证明, 决定是否接受他们的转移. 一旦学分在转账中被接受, each program shall determine how the course credits will apply to program and graduation requirements.

Transfer of credit from another college or university shall involve at least three considerations:

1. 学生转移的学习经验的教育质量.

2. Comparability of the nature, content and level of the learning experience offered at the College.

3. Appropriateness and applicability of the learning experience to the programs offered at the College in light of the student’s educational goals.


The College shall accept courses in transfer that it determines to be comparable or equivalent to specific courses it offers.


College-level courses accepted in transfer by the College that are determined to be not comparable or not equivalent to specific courses taught at the College may or may not be accepted as electives. The College will address transfer of course credit consistent with the requirements of 明尼苏达州 system policies and procedures for Undergraduate Course Credit Transfer. Students who are not satisfied with a transfer decision have the right to appeal to the College’s Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs. If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, 他们有权向明尼苏达州校长办公室申诉. 这个决定是最终的,有约束力的.


进入学院后, all official transcripts will be forwarded through the appropriate workflow for review by the Transfer Specialist and/or DARS staff.


可比或同等课程是指性质相似的课程, content and level of expected student performance on course outcomes to a course offered at the College. 评估课程的转学等效性, 复习的标准应不低于课程内容可比性的75%.

Course equivalency “rules” are maintained in the Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) software. Transfer work will be reviewed using DARS; all previously-determined rules will be applied to the student’s coursework.

当学生转学课程之前没有被审查并进入DARS时, the Transfer Specialist and/or DARS staff will work with faculty from the appropriate discipline to determine course equivalency and/or MnTC goal area assignment. 这些决定将记录在dar中,以备将来参考.

Courses that are not directly equivalent to a course offered at the College but are college level will be assigned the appropriate generic transfer designation in DARS. 课程也可以被分配到特定的MnTC目标领域,并带有通用标志. All 明尼苏达州 system policies regarding awarding of MnTC goal area(s) will be followed during the transfer evaluation process.

Courses that are below college level will be assigned as preparatory and may not be used to fulfill program requirements, 虽然他们可以用来完成学院的发展课程的要求.


Students who have taken courses from institutions that are not regionally accredited (or were not regionally accredited at the time the student took the courses) will receive email communication explaining what documentation they need to provide in order to have their coursework evaluated. All documentation provided will be reviewed by the Transfer Specialist in consultation with appropriate faculty for review of course content as well as the appropriate Academic Dean for determination of appropriate faculty credentials.


Students who have taken courses from institutions outside of the United States will receive email communication explaining their options for having their courses evaluated by an agency specializing in evaluation of international credit.


Transfer courses are subject to the same guidelines as the College’s courses in regards to fulfilling program requirements. 这包括五年的时间
limit on technical courses and the requirement of specific programs that all required courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C.

Informal Appeal - When a course has not been granted direct equivalency to a course offered at the College, students may request further review of the course by providing additional documentation (such as a course outline). The Transfer Specialist will consult with appropriate faculty to review the submitted information for consideration of course equivalency and will adjust the student’s record accordingly if equivalency is granted.


如果学生对转学决定不满意, they have the right to appeal to the College’s Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs by completing the Transfer of Credit Appeal form (currently needs to be developed). 如果学生对学院的转学上诉决定不满意, the student may submit a request to the Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs for a system level appeal of the College’s transfer appeal decision. The procedure for a system level appeal is defined in 明尼苏达州 system Undergraduate Course Transfer Credit 过程.



明尼苏达州立系统.21.1 Transfer of Undergraduate Courses, Credit, Associate Degrees and the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum
