Naming Opportunities at 明尼苏达州立社区和技术学院 政策



The purpose of this policy is to develop College-wide guidelines for gift naming opportunities and service recognition naming opportunities at 明尼苏达州立社区和技术学院.


Significant gifts benefiting the College will provide opportunities for donors to designate the name of a facility, unit or other item in honor of the donor or another person.

In order for the College to properly administer funds, each gift must be accompanied by a gift agreement that has been approved by representatives of the donor, the appropriate College Foundation director and the College campus administration that is to benefit from the gift.

Naming opportunities involving corporations must include a determination if the contribution is a gift (tax deductible) or a sponsorship (non-tax deductible).

所列金额是最低限额. Gift amounts must be approved by the College president and the Office of the Chancellor prior to discussion with any donor. Any exceptions to these guidelines must be approved by the president of the College and the Office of the Chancellor.

The College retains the right to remove a name from a facility or structure if the donor acts in a way that would bring dishonor to the College or if the donor does not fulfill the amount of the pledge. 学院院长, in consultation with the appropriate College Foundation board president, 有权删除名字吗. 必须让所有捐助者了解这项政策, and the information must be reviewed by the College representative and appear on the signed Gift Acceptance form.



  • New building with 100 percent private funding: minimum donation of 50 percent of the construction cost
  • New building with private funding component: minimum donation of 50 percent of the private fundraising goal or 30 percent of the total cost of construction
  • Existing building: minimum donation of 75 percent of the fair market value
  • Renovation of existing building: 75 percent of renovation costs

Note: Naming opportunities involving buildings must be approved by the president before the proposal is delivered to a prospective donor with the recommendations of:

  • 晋升副总裁
  • The campus designee or other appropriate vice president and/or dean/director



  • 礼堂(150个或更多座位)30万美元
  • 礼堂(少于150个座位)5万美元
  • 公地(大型)$50,000
  • 公地(小)$30,000
  • 会议室(大而显眼)25,000美元
  • 会议室(小型)1万美元
  • 教员办公室$10,000
  • 实验室100000美元
  • 图书馆100000美元
  • 大厅(主)15万美元
  • 大堂(较少)10万美元
  • 智能教室$30,000
  • 其他教室$25,000
  • 聚集区外$40,000
  • 基于视频的学习课堂$75,000
  • 长椅, 喷泉, 户外种植, other outdoor structures or areas: Cost of project plus $5,000英镑给校园基金会用于维护建筑物
  • 纪念一名大发彩票平台学生, staff or college friend: New project cost only; Current structure memorial costs to be determined by the M State president and campus designee
  • 学生生成的项目:仅新项目成本
  • Miscellaneous areas: To be determined by the College president and the campus designee

1. Naming opportunities for spaces within a building should be defined by the campus designee and approved by the president.
2. 命名机会,比如长椅, 喷泉, 艺术作品, plantings or other structures will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Approval must be granted by the president to ensure consistency across the College.
3. Funding amounts will be based on location, structure and function. Gift funds must cover the entire cost of structure or installation and, 如果将产生重大的持续成本, an endowment sufficient to cover these costs also will be required.


Academic or other Major College Units - Minimum Endowment

  • 项目部门名称:$1,000,000 (Some programs may require a higher amount; these will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.)
  • College-wide Center/Institute: $1,500,000 (Some may require a higher amount.)

1. Any private gift associated with the naming of any of the above units should be of a level that will transform the very nature of the unit involved, enabling that unit to reach a level of excellence that would have been extremely difficult using state or College funds alone.
2. 这份礼物应该是捐赠的形式, and income from the endowment should be used to provide a margin of excellence for the unit involved and should not replace state funds previously made available to that unit.


  • Discuss naming proposal with campus Foundation director and board.
  • Develop naming fund raising plan in collaboration with Foundation staff.
  • 为总统内阁制定冠名费提案.
  • Submit naming fee proposal to vice president of advancement .
  • Implement naming plan with Foundation board if plan is approved.
  • Collaborate with the campus designee on naming opportunities on the campus.
  • Coordinate approval for proposed projects with Foundation board.
  • 协调冠名筹款活动.
  • Complete the Gift Receipt form(s) and submit to the College
  • 在弗格斯福尔斯的推进办公室办理手续.
  • Assist campus designee and Foundation directors with determining naming costs and processes
  • Review all naming fee proposals and submit to 总统’s Cabinet for review.
  • Communicate naming costs and circumstances to campus and Foundation leadership.
  • Seeks presidential approval for acceptance of gifts and grants.
  • 给学院批准所有的命名建议.
  • Submit facility naming proposals to the Office of the Chancellor.



